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|           Acid Processing Plant Wad for DOOM II             |
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Title                   : Acid Plant                             
Release Date            : 02/06/2001
File List               : acidplnt.WAD

Author                  : David J. Finnamore

* Play Information *
Game                    : DOOM II 
Map Number              : Map01 
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No
Difficulty Settings     : Yes
New Sounds              : No
New Graphics            : No
New Music               : Yes

* Construction *
Base                    : New WAD from scratch
Main Editor(s) used     : Wad Author 1.3

"acidplnt.wad" is a DOOM II wad designed exclusively for 
single player.  It was made for the standard engine; but 
there is really only one little place where it does not 
render properly in Legacy.  It looks perfect in Doom95.  It 
has original music, composed for compatibility with the Doom 
SB16 sound set.

The setting is a processing plant for nuclear waste, the flow 
of which can be traced throughout the wad until it is finally 
neutralized in a giant machine and barrelled up for shipping.  
Of course, there are a several denizens of Hell that will not 
be happy about your inspection of the premises.

This is a very large wad, with an average play time of over 30 
minutes.  It is graded with major differences between skill 
levels.  There are a couple of fairly hard puzzles that must 
be solved to complete the level.  Save often!  There are at 
least two places where you can be trapped in acid with no 
escape.  The extreme complexity of this map allows it to play 
out in many different ways for maximum replay value; after 
dozens of plays I'm still surprised by something or other 
almost every time I run it.

Happy hunting (and being hunted :-)

* Copyright / Permissions *
This wad may be distributed freely in its zipped form with 
this document attatched.  All other rights reserved.  Music 
"acidrk12.mus" Copyright 2001 by David J. Finnamore