From the "What if ..." Department:

The Seven Days of History

The Psalmist, speaking of God, tells us, "For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by." (Ps. 90:4). Some have taken this to mean that 1000 years = 1 day of God's time. Probably, it's a poetic device intended to mean only that God's perpective is not restricted by the terrestrial time line. Nevertheless, via double-meaning, there may be some truth to the equivalency theory for certain purposes. It seems that there are often layers of meaning in the Old Testament. Assuming the premise to be true for the sake of argument, it occurred to me that history might be divisible into 7 days of 1000 years each. How literal-minded can you get, huh? That led me to the admittedly wild idea that the creation story, in addition to a literal account of the creation of the world, might contain a hidden prophecy about all subsequent terrestrial history. (No doubt, some Kabalist has beat me to the punch on this by hundreds or thousands of years, but don't pop my bubble just yet.) Following the pattern in Hebrew culture and in the story itself, the first half of each "day" is "evening" (night time), and the second half is "morning" (day time). In the graph below, "evening" is represented by the trough phase of a sine wave cycle, while "morning" is represented by the peak phase.

I've observed the following conventions:

  • The blue vertical lines mark off 1000 year periods
  • The dotted green vertical lines mark off 400 year periods (significant in Biblical history and symbology, though important 400 year periods seldom seem to align with my markings)
  • The top line of large blue text outlines what transpired on each corresponding day of the Creation account.
  • Covenants are in red text
  • Years are given in BC/AD format and in "AM" which measures approximately from Creation as calculated by Bishop Usher. The Old Testament dates were taken from Adam Clarke's Commentary.

I tried to make this graph small enough to fit on the computer screen all at once, but that made the text too small to read. Increasing the text size made the graph too crowded. Hey, we're covering 7000 years on one line, here; I think that entitles me to a little scrolling!  :-P   Please remember that the following is entirely speculative.

Some observations, assuming, hypothetically, the validity of the idea and accuracy of the data:

  • Generally, the troughs, or "evening" portions of each day, contain religious persecution in some significant sense.
    1. Sunday: Cain slew Able out of jealousy arising over God's acceptance of their respective sacrifices (Not noted on the graph, sorry.)
    2. Monday: Noah preached impending doom to people who mocked or ignored him to the end
    3. Tuesday: The Israelites were held in slavery to the Egyptians
    4. Wednesday: The ten Northern tribes of Israel were carried off into Assyrian captivity and "lost"; the two Southern tribes endured 70 years of Babylonian captivity
    5. Thursday: Jerusalem was destroyed; the remaining two tribes of Israel were dispersed over the face of the earth
    6. Friday: The Roman Catholic Church instituted the inquisition upon all who dared to disagree with her, including those who would distribute the Scriptures to the masses, and those who wished to reform her apostate doctrine.
    7. Saturday: TBA. :-)
  • Generally, peaks begin with reformation and proceed toward apostacy, with plenty of turmoil along the way; or contain repeated short cycles of sin/apostacy and repentance/revival.
  • From Adam to Abram is almost exactly 2000 years. From Abram to Christ is almost exactly 2000 years. (From Christ to today is almost exactly 2000 years!) Moses and Luther were born very near 500 year marks from Adam.
  • Each day's work in the Creation narrative contains a pair of contrasting elements, usually in an above/below arrangement, after the pattern of evening and morning:
    1. Sunday: Light contrasted with, and separated inexorably from, Darkness
    2. Monday: The waters above the firmament separated from the waters below the firmament
    3. Tuesday: Seas below the land, vegetation above the land
    4. Wednesday: The Sun appointed to rule the day, the Moon and stars to rule the night
    5. Thursday: Fishes below the land, birds above it
    6. Friday: Animals placed below man's authority, man made in God's image. Maybe that's a stretch.
    7. Saturday: The Sabbath rest (unity on this day)
  • It's difficult to draw any direct correlation between the Creation narrative and the historical events in each "day." Some seem to work naturally (the flood on "firmament day"), others don't seem to (millenium before Christ during "heavenly bodies ordaination day"). They could all be made to work in any of several ways, at a stretch. Maybe that's because the premise is meaningless, maybe it's because I don't know enough about the meaning yet. The whole idea could be non-sense. But it provides food for thought.


September 2000